Hall of Fame & Broadcaster of the Year

Downloadable Hall of Fame Nomination Form
2024 Hall of Fame Inductee Camille Conte
2024 Hall of Fame Inductee Lance Hankins (Posthumous)
2024 Broadcaster of the Year Paul Jewusiak


Hall of Fame: 1985 to Present

Alvin O. Bramstedt, Sr.1985
Ralph Fondell1985
Charlie Gray1985
Patty Harpel1985
A.E. “Cap” Lathrop1985
Bob Fleming1985
Ruben Gaines1985
Bill Harpel1985
A.G. “Augie” Hiebert1985
Roy Robinson1985
Charles Northrip1986
Bill Wagner1986
Stanton D. Bennett1987
Gale Allred1988
Theda Comstock1988
Ron Moore1989
Norma Goodman1990
Bill Walley1991
Al Bramstedt, Jr.1992
Elmo Sackett1992
Hank Hove1993
Don Nelson1994
Dick Lobdell1994
Chuck Buck1995
Steve Agbaba1995
Julianna Guy1995
Tyler “Ty” Clark1996
Frank Mengel1996
Tom Busch1997
Richard Peters1997
Herb Shaindlin1998
Jack Frost1999
Pete Van Nort2000
Don Rinker2001
Dennis Egan2001
Dennis Bookey2002
Bob Kern2003
Senator Ted Stevens2003
John Davis2004
David Geesin2004
Jay Lewis2005
Mel Sather2005
Gary Donovan2006
Carol Schatz2006
Jay Perry (posthumously)2006
Jim Robbins2007
John Tracy2007
Mark "Marcus" Lewis2007
Dick Olson2008
Bob Sommer2008
Lowell Purcell2008
Mike Porcaro2009
Bill Legere2010
Terry Walley2011
Rick Goodfellow2012
No Award2013
Glenner Anderson & Jerry Evans2014
Nancy Fulton Johnson2015
Jamie Waste2015
Scott Smith2016
Maria Downey2016
Jackie Purcell2017
John Active (posthumous)2018
Ric Schmidt2018
Pete Carran2019
DeeDee Caciari2020
Jerry Bever2020
Jeff Dowd (Posthumous)2021
Rhonda McBride2021
Mike Shultz2021
Bob Lester2022
Lauren Maxwell2022
Eddie Parker2022
Dave Stroh2022
Eric Sowl2023
Matt Wilson2023
Camille Conte2024
Lance Hankins (posthumous)2024

Downloadable Broadcaster of the Year Nomination Form


Broadcaster of the Year: 1986 to Present

1986Tom BuschKNOM-AM, Nome
1987Al Bramstedt, Sr.KTUU-TV, Anchorage
1988Les RobinsonKDLG-AM, Dillingham
1989Tom TierneyKENI/KBFX, Anchorage
1990Dennis EganKINY/KSUP, Juneau
1991Dennis BookeyKFQD/KWHL, Anchorage
1992Theda ComstockAnchorage
1993Rick GoodfellowKLEF-FM, Anchorage
1994Don NelsonKJNP-AM/FM,TV, North Pole
1995Tom BoddettKBBI-FM, Homer
1996A.G. HiebertNorthern Television
1997Gary BuellKMBQ, Wasilla
1998Nancy JohnsonKTUU-TV, Anchorage
1999Dennis BookeyAnchorage Media Group
2000Al Bramstedt, Jr.KTUU-TV, Anchorage
2001Carter Crawford KATN-TV, Fairbanks
2002John TracyKTUU-TV, Anchorage
2004Trent McNellyKTUU-TV, Anchorage
2005Bill WrightKTVF-TV, Fairbanks
2006Laurie PraxKVAK-AM/FM, Valdez
2007Bill LegereKTOO-TV/FM, KXLL/KRNN FM, Juneau
2008Van CraftClear Channel Radio, Anchorage
2009TV Engineers Statewide for DTV Transition
2010Scott SmithMorris Communications, Anchorage
2011Mikko WilsonKATH-TV, Juneau
2012No Award in 2012
2013Emily Blahous, EducatorMirror Lake Middle School, Chugiak, Alaska
2014Matt WilsonKSRM, Inc., Kenai
2015Joe VigilKTVA-TV, Anchorage
2016Ariane AramburoKTUU-TV, Anchorage
2017Ric SchmidtKNOM-AM/FM, Nome
2018Daniella RiveraKTVA-TV, Anchorage
2019Mike RossKTUU-TV,Anchorage
2020Dan GenselKSRM Radio Group, Kenai
2021Tracy SaboKTUU/KYES-TV, Anchorage
2022Anna Rose MacArthurKYUK, Bethel
2023Eddie MaxwellOhana Media Group, Anchorage/Wasilla
2024Paul JewusiakAlaska Public Media, Anchorage