December 9, 1964
ABA was founded.
Meeting was called by letter to all stations form Northern Television’s President A.G. Hiebert who was appointed temporary chair. Organizers included Al Bramstedt, Sr.; Matt Clapp, Miller Robertson and Jay Perry of KFQD Anchorage; Bill Allen of KHAR Anchorage; Charles L. Buck of KLAM Cordova; Fred Lambert of KCAM Glennallen; Bill Martin of KNIK Anchorage; S Sgt William D. Wright of Elmendorf Air Force Base’s AFRS and Charles Northrip of University of Alaska’s KUAC-FM Fairbanks. The eleven represented all five AK television outlets and 12 of the stat’s 16 radio stations. The group appointed Anchorage attorney Ted Stevens to be their legal counsel and Secretary. A.G Hiebert was unanimously elected first President, Chuck Buck was named Vice President and Al Bramstedt Secretary-Treasurer. Jay Perry and R.D. Jensen of Ketchikan’s KTKN and KATV-TV were named Directors.